
Introducing our simple, fixed fee


  • Simple single Will – £199
  • Simple mirror Wills – £299

Where you only require a basic update to a Will previously written by us, our reduced rates would apply as follows: 

  • Single Will – £99
  • Mirror Wills – £149

Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPAs)

  • Single LPA for Health & Welfare - £219*
  • Single LPA for Property & Financial Affairs - £219*
  • Any two LPAs - £339* 
  • Any four LPAs - £569*

Will and Lasting Power of Attorney Packages

  • Simple single Will and single LPA - £379*
  • Simple single Will and two LPAs - £489*

  • Simple mirror Wills with two LPAs - £579*
  • Simple mirror Wills with four LPAs - £789*

*In addition to our fee, a registration charge of £82 per LPA is payable to the Office of the Public Guardian unless an exemption or remission of fees apply. This does not apply to wills. 

Trusts and Property Protection

Where you wish to include a trust within your will, an additional fee applies as follows:

    • Single will - £100
    • Mirror will - £150


Contact us to book your free initial consultation. We will then provide you with a list of areas to consider prior to your appointment, including topics such as executors, legacies and guardians.


During our first face-to-face meeting we will undertake a thorough review of your circumstances and wishes, and discuss options to tailor your will to your needs in the most

effective way. 

After the meeting we will then draft your will, meeting all of the established objectives.


We will then send you the draft

of your new will for your approval, with a personalised explanation of each clause. This version will be clearly marked 'draft' to ensure it is not confused with the final version.

Once confirmed, we will produce the final bound copy   of your will ready for attestation (signing).


You can then visit our Truro office to sign your will, or alternatively we will post the final documents to you for signing, along with a guide on how to do so correctly.  Once returned to us, we will inspect the documents to ensure they appear to have been signed correctly. We will then organise for your will to be stored in your preferred manner.